Our success can only be measured by our client's happiness with our work!
The process of creating, promoting and reinforcing a company’s “image” is called branding. The brand is what people think and feel—positive or negative, luxury or value, etc—when they hear your name. What we are working on together is authoring and controlling how this “brand” comes about. Every brand is by definition unique. It should reflect your values and what makes your company stand out from the competitors. Make sure your brand has the right message! We will work with you, and study your product, to create a brand that is unique for you and your company.
When it comes to visually identifying your brand, your logo is probably the first thing your customers will think of, thus it is of paramount importance to establish a look that is recognizable throughout ALL of your marketing materials. This logo needs to be versatile enough to work on all scales of printing from small labels or price tags to large billboards, signage and vehicle graphics.
A poorly conceived logo can send the wrong message to potential clients. Small details have the ability to affect people’s opinions of a business and also will distinguish one competitor from the next. An effective image is especially important to lure potential customers who have never previously worked with an organization; it can attract new business or, via a confusing or overly busy logo, drive it away. You have a second or two to make a connection and that is all. After that, the human eye, and mind, has moved on to the next visual stimulus.
We feel if you are sending a message, (whatever the source you are using) to inform your clients to about your product or service, shouldn’t all your points of contact be equally creative, handcrafted, beautiful AND professional? Your image is defined in every item you print, or distribute. Poorly designed content can often give the wrong impression of your company or product. DogTrick Studios will make sure you put your very BEST message out there and stay on budget! You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look professional and to get attention! You just need a good creative design, and a plan on how to implement it in all your future promotions.
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